Our Advantage

The 1Kosmos BlockID Advantage

The 1Kosmos implementation of the FIDO standard emphasizes interoperability. This approach guarantees that FIDO security keys from various vendors and hardware equipment from suppliers will work together efficiently. Furthermore, this interoperability will be achieved with cross-browser support for passwordless authentication.

1Kosmos facilitates seamless interoperability not only among connected web applications but also across workstations by linking the FIDO token to the user account. Our support for FIDO-based authentication also includes Windows and Mac workstations. Users can leverage the BlockID mobile app, which serves as a FIDO authenticator, to log into their workstations.

Additionally, FIDO security keys can be utilized for Windows workstation login without requiring separate registration. Our “register-once-use-anywhere” strategy ensures that security keys only need to be registered once in the control plane.

1Kosmos has several advantages over traditional password-based authentication, including enhanced security, improved usability, and better resistance to phishing attacks.

Our system relies on public key cryptography, so even if a user’s credentials are compromised, an attacker would not be able to use them without also having access to the user’s FIDO device.

Our “register-once-use-anywhere” strategy ensures that security keys only need to be registered
once in the control plane.

1Kosmos Platform FIDO Integration

Certified by the FIDO Alliance, the 1Kosmos platform provides a safer, phishing-resistant authentication method via our LiveID authentication which also provides a better user experience to all users.

FIDO on Workstations

Leveraging the device’s built-in FIDO tokens, 1Kosmos BlockID gives organizations a way to enforce their access controls. This means that employees, third-party contractors, customers, and citizens alike can use any supported device they want without compromising experience or security. Additionally, users will not be bound by the device yet be able to authenticate across multiple workstations.

FIDO Tokens

1Kosmos BlockID supports the cryptographic capabilities FIDO tokens provide. Where organizations require FIDO tokens to be registered from multiple devices, 1Kosmos links the FIDO token to the user account, thereby avoiding multiple registrations.

FIDO Passkeys and FIDO Keys

1Kosmos provides users the ability to register & authenticate from any device utilizing FIDO2 authentication. All Fido Keys are supported, including enterprise/device-bound passkeys.

Future Proof

The 1Kosmos platform gives the capability to add support for adding any released FIDO key through APIs. Preventing vendor locks from proprietary or otherwise closed technologies that can tie organizations to expensive renewal and maintenance contracts.

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